Made entirely of heavy sheet iron by whitesmith. 7 ½” x 6” x 3 ½”, made of rolled sheet iron (iron rolling was well established by the 16th century), 0.070”-0.080” thickness. Mortise and tenon construction is used with rectangular tabs (tenons) passing through corresponding rectangular slots (mortises) then peened to lock the joint. The corners are dovetailed, peened, and polished. The lid is reinforced with an alignment band within and the dual lock is encased by the same construction. The top is mounted with a swivel handle (working life brazed repair). The bottom is pierced with two holes for nailing from within to the floorboards or other architectural anchors to prevent removal. These boxes were concealed in places where working with tools would be difficult, such as atop joist bottom plates or within walls. This example retains its original red paint inside and key with the lock fully functional.